
The International Edvard Grieg Piano Competition

Edvard Grieg Museum
Troldhaugveien 65, 5232 Paradis
Tel. (+47) 55 92 29 92

Maria E. Tripodianos

Acting Director of Communications
Tel. (+47) 414 59 187

Anette Basso

Communication Advisor
Tel. (+47) 41 40 09 46
Datosort descending Title Forklaring
10. Sep PR: Ryoma Takagi winner of Grieg Competition 2018

Ryoma Takagi (25) from Japan is the winner of the 1st Prize in the International Edvard Grieg Piano Competition 2018.

10. Sep PM: Ryoma Takagi vant Griegkonkurransen 2018

Ryoma Takagi (25) fra Japan er vinneren av Edvard Grieg Internasjonale Pianokonkurranse 2018.

15. Aug PR: The International Edvard Grieg Piano Competition: 26 August – 3 September 2022

The 17th edition of The International Edvard Grieg Piano Competition will welcome 30 pianists from 16 countries to Bergen from 26 August – 3 September 2022. Organised by KODE Art Museums and Composer Homes, the competition will be held at composer Edvard Grieg’s historic home Troldhaugen in Bergen which has hosted the biennial competition since 2012. Due to ongoing travel restrictions because of the global pandemic, this is the first time the competition has taken place since 2018.

29. Aug PR: Candidates proceeding to 2nd round

12 candidates proceeding to the 2nd round, Tuesday 30 August. Candidates are presented in the order of playing: 

30. Aug PR: Candidates proceeding to the semi-final

Six candidates proceeding to the Semi-Final, Wednesday 31 September. Candidates are presented in the order of playing: 

(Click on name to see profile and repertoire)

31. Aug PR: Candidates proceeding to the final

Thee following three candidates will proceed to the final on Saturday 3rd September.

Fuko Ishii, Japan
Aleksandra Swigut, Poland
Zifan Ye, China

Prize for best performance of a complete opus originally written for solo piano by Edvard Grieg performed in the 2nd Round or in the Semi-final:
